Dearest followers of my blog. I have failed you. I have not been able to post pictures, and missed taking a picture on Tuesday. HOWEVER. I have a TON of pictures that I'm intending to put up at some point in time... I've just been insanely swamped with school and Sweet.
In fact, I've run on so little sleep that I accidentally missed a quiz on Tuesday. :/ I serriously am debating not going back in the fall. But my parents say I'm just exhausted and after break I'll feel differently.
My response?
I guess I just don't see the point when I could be doing an internship and accomplishing the same goals. But then again, if I really am planning on going to Full Sail... then I need school. But since I'm young for college anyways, taking a semester off to work.. probably isn't as terrible as it sounds. I have my whole LIFE ahead of me... I'm just tired of wasting it in a classroom all day, and when I get home, sitting on my butt to do homework. I can't sit still that long. I have to be *doing* something... S:LDKFHSDL:GH
Anyways. That was my rant. I'll probably rant some more when I'm not so tired....
But I will get those pictures to you guys. .. .Just give me some patience :) Every time the Holidays roll around, I think of a line in a song by Switchfoot:
"Stars looking at the planet, watching entropy and pain. Maybe start to wonder how the chaos in our lives could pass as sane."
I'll leave with that. Because if I don't go to bed now, I'll try to wax eloquently and look back on it in the morning and think "wow, that's a caffeine post."
i promise it gets better when you leave the house. i promise. you can do it! hang in there!!!