Well, it's Monday.
I am SO sore.
We had Middle School HD at our church (His Design, it's winter camp :) hehe) anyways. I was asked to do the teching for it (lights) and of COURSE I would say yes, see the thing about camps and other activities that AREN'T Sunday mornings: the lighting tech gets to have a little more fun (mwhahah strobe lights anyone?)... Well then I got asked to be a leader of the sixth grade girls, and I made sure to ask that the fact that I was running lights would not get in the way of things. I was told it wouldn't, so I went ahead and agreed to that.
Boy did I give myself a job.
The first night, I got my nametag and realized someone had marked me as a "driver". I only JUST got my permit. Soooo I had to run back and forth from the tech booth, upstairs and back. Over, and over and over again.
It was fun.
Then I met the girls that were going to be in the house we were staying at. They were awesome. I love them all, and I totally want to be their leader at Summer Camp, but I doubt they'll let me do that, since they want the seniors to go to some conference that's like... $75o to go. Yeah, not happening. :P
Anyways, in the sessions we talked about how the gospel should change our every day lives. The speaker (Rich Rudolph) explained how our purpose in life is to:
A. Worship God
B. Teach others about Him
I was really really surprised how well my six girls got this concept. We stayed up really late (ok, not supersuper late, but considering how early they wanted to go to bed the night before, it was late.) talking about the end times, do baby's go to heaven when they die, do we exist before we show up in mom's stomach, do we go straight to heaven when we die, or do we go to a holding place?
It was really cool. They totally were awesome, I had so much fun.
I also learned a few things about techies:
1. Going deaf is really easy, not to mention, really fun.
2. I think coms have become my favorite thing.
3. We forget to eat. Dinner? what's that? All I know, is that the worship leader just switched three of my songs, and I have to program for them.
4. Mountain Dew, is the most glorious substance on earth. (wait, I already knew that... but it needed to be stated again) I think I spent more on Mountain Dew than I did in Adventure Landing. Staying awake was more important than a slushie.
5. I learned that the coms should really have a mute button. Especially if the other people are mumblers, or singers, or just love driving you bonkers.
6. When people get tired, stupid things happen. And nothing makes sense.
7. I really hate and love the stupid overriding white box in the chapel. I don't know whether to throw it or kiss it every time I have to use it.
8. The Chapel really needs a different light theme. It's so boring.
9. Camera's really should be able to have night vision, so that it can be dark when we're singing.
10. Techie's have a lot of patience, or at least.... learn it really quickly.
I also learned a few things about middleschoolers:
1. They're completely clueless. So much so that it's funny.
2. Guys never take showers. That's nasty.
3. They will play ANY game, in order to prove that girls are better than guys or vice versa.
4. They love tackling people, and torturing them with non-stop tickling.
5. Most of them don't get why a Senior wouldn't have a phone. "Broke" is a foreign word to them.
6. The smallest thing could ruin their day or make it.
7. They love asking questions, especially if it bugs you.
8. Their energy never ends. I swear, I don't know how they didn't fall asleep during sessions.
9. They love shouting and seeing themselves on camera
10. I absolutely love them.
Ok, I'm going to go place heat packs on the multiple pulled muscles in my body. ... Can I do it again next year?