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Monday, February 28, 2011

A Commentary on Society

So I realize I have not written in an eternity.
Now I hate it when other bloggers start a post like that, but I just did. But I had good reason. Really, I did.

I had the privilege of being one of the tech's for CYT's play Daniel. It was amazing, and I have loved every exhausting minute of it. I think I really have found my passion. It feels like I finally found where I fit in.

I've always been a little guyish, but not a tomboy. Never really entirely fit in with the "normal crowd." I thought I was my own little category.
This is society:

that's me, that little purple/fuchsia colored box. So weird I don't get counted as a percentage, and no one can decide on the color that I am... fuchsia? purple? pinkISH.
and then the fact that I'm a rectangle.... Just totally didn't fit in. Some people admire others for being outside that circle. But it can get lonely. Then I realized. My view of society was a tad skewed

The way reality really looks is like this:

Notice how fun the last two categories look compared to the first two.
Yes. I do fit into society. But I have waaaaaaaaay more fun ;)

So yeah. I found where I fit. And I like it. :)


  1. Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." I think you've just found out where you will find those good works that were planned for you long ago.


So, what'd you think?