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Saturday, April 16, 2011


I recently reached 100 posts.
I feel accomplished.
And yet, I look at my recent posts... and they're kinda boring.
So anyways, I thought I should let people know I'm going to stop writing the story I was writing, re-write it, and then post it.
See, because on the blog, the story is writing itself in a way I don't like. SO I'm going to change it.
In other news,
I almost got dead from a tornado. Okay, well it missed me by three miles.
May I say that is my biggest fear???
Yes. I can.
I just did.
I threw up because of one once. ... I was only like four, but still.
I hate thunderstorms and love them at the same time.
I hate tornadoes, but they facinate me to no end.
Okay, your turn.
What's your biggest fear?


  1. my fear comes from nothing. panic attacks. i'm terrified but not scared of anything in particular.

  2. Seen those, glad I don't have them, but know what it looks like for someone who does, NOT fun.
    I hate it when something you really SHOUlDN'T be afraid of, you are.


So, what'd you think?