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Friday, September 30, 2011

Well. That's a Lot of Words.

I don't know about you, but this and the past week has been kinda "blehh" for me. Not like, "THIS IS THE WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE EVER." kind of "bleeh" but the " I really just don't want to get up and do what I have to another day of my life. I just want to go home." kinda "bleh".

This whole "school" thing is new to me. I went to school yes, but I didn't have to get up, make a lunch, get specific books ready, go to class, then come home. (Granted, I wish my schedule were that simple, but you get the picture) Being homeschooled I could get up when I wanted, and do my schoolwork when I wanted, and be DONE by noon if I wanted to.

College is definitely different. It's not that there's anymore work to be done, it's just that it takes so much longer. I've hardly had anytime to myself, and when I do, I don't feel like doing any of the things I'd like to do. So instead I just check my Facebook, watch a movie, or go to bed. I used to be really great at time management.... now it seems to be my shortcoming!!!

A lot of kids told me that there seemed to be more freedom in college.
I have yet to experience this. Instead I seem to be drowning in homework and responsibilities. (Okayokay, so it's not THAT bad... but I do have like waaayyy less free time than I did.)
I was also told I was "unsocialized", and that when I finally went to a "real school" I'd learn how to be social. I find this to be false. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that that's true. I no longer can have friends over on the weekdays, a "school night" is now in my vocabulary. There are only so many weekends in a month, which means I can only have 3 to 4 friends over in one month. (HOW SAD IS THAT HOMESCHOOLERS???)

The second thing I wish to say is, please don't pick on my grammar, the format I type this blog in, or the fact that I'm not using "Times New Roman." Also please ignore the fact that this is NOT the second thing I've said. Serriously. I know I spelled that wrong. No, really.

Okayokayokayokay. I really did have a point to this post. REALLY! Simple things like "another sheet of homework.","another paper due","another weekend event missed because I have homework and can't drive", or even the mantra "I need money", tends to steal our (or at least my!) joy. The thing is no matter how routine or frustrating my life gets, I always will have a reason to be joyful. Yes, even on a Monday when I have math class, I have a reason to be joyful.

Why? Because I have been rescued from death. I am loved, and wanted. My strive for purity doesn't offend someone, in fact it pleases him. No matter how "painful" a Monday morning gets, I can smile because I know that I have something better coming for me.
Come on you guys, I know you get the same way. Sometimes the daily "grind" is just so hard. You're sick of people thinking your a goody-two-shoes, sometimes Holiness is such a hassle! (Uhoh, did I just say that? YOU KNOW YOU'VE THOUGHT IT!!) Sometimes stopping to pray before you eat gets so many strange looks, it makes it unfun to do. Even though you really are thankful that God provided food, sometimes it's hard to thank him in front of someone who thinks God doesn't exist.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is:
Keep your chin up! Don't forget the promises God made you!
"So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and none will take your joy from you." ... "I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:22&33)

So I know the week is almost over, IT'S FRIDAY. But if you're doing what I was doing a few moments ago, sulking because of your circumstances:
Whether that be:
Your single and don't have a date tonight
You are dreading the weekend.
Or something as dumb as; You graduated from highschool early and you can't drive to a concert on a Friday night.

Remember that it's just the world. It's just one night out of a bajillion nights the Lord could give you on this earth. Instead of sulking, write a song, list your blessings, remember you're loved no matter how "single" you feel. You're never alone, you're never going through the "daily grind" without someone helping carry the load with you.

"So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and none will take your joy from you." ... "I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:22&33)

1 comment:

  1. Dont worry, you're not supposed to use Times New Roman on the internet. The pixeled serifs make the words harder to read.


    this was awesome, nelly <3


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