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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chick-fil-a is in a Pickle

First off, can I say I think politics are ridiculous? They seem to get us focused on earthly things, not where our eyes should be--at the foot of the cross. Sure, as long as we have freedom we should have a say in politics (for the glory of God and the furtherance of the gospel)--but once politics become a stumbling block and focus our eyes on things that don't have infinite value they've become an idol.
(collective gasps)
I don't want to worship my freedom--more than I worship the God who gave me that freedom.
Secondly, can I just say how ADD we are as a generation? A week before, my facebook was flooded with arguments about gun laws (after a MASS shooting at a midnight premier of the new Batman movie). Now we're talking about sandwiches. Go figure....

So what about Chick-fil-a?
A lot of pictures and posts have been flying around--angry, and supportive. The owner of Chick-fil-a was quoted improperly in an interview, and was sold as a "homophobe". All that the owner actually said in the interview was this:

"“In that spirit . . . [Christianity] is about a personal relationship. Companies are not lost or saved, but certainly individuals are,” Cathy added. “But as an organization we can operate on biblical principles. So that is what we claim to be. [We are] based on biblical principles, asking God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs and partnerships we have. And He has blessed us.”  Read more on Mainstream Media Invents Gay Marriage Chick-fil-A Controversy

The whole gay marriage thing has completely drowned out what he said! "Companies are nor lost or saved, but certainly individuals are" to me, it is sad that our anger has conquered our love. I agree, gay marriage is wrong (you can read my post about it here (as well as comment!): if my support of business effects my stance for the gospel then there's no way I'm eating at that business any more.

I for one am proud of the CEO of Chick-fil-a for standing on the gospel. It saddens me that Chicago wants nothing to do with Christian's, bu does that mean we don't visit Chicago? BY NO MEANS!! People in Chicago need Jesus Christ, not a chicken sandwich.

One last thing I have to say is that, if you ARE planning on going to Chick-fil-a August 1st, good for you. Go for the sake of the gospel, Go because you love Christ and want to support his people.

BUT PLEASE DON'T GO FOR THE "We're standing on family values" crap. The only place that 'family values' come from is the Bible. My 'family values' may be different than yours---'family values' are undefinable. Instead, stand on biblical principles. Gay relations (and marriage) would be acceptable without the Holy Scriptures, and that is what my faith is founded upon. God died because we're messed up people, because he knew we couldn't define silly things like "family values", because he knew outside of a miracle we would chase our tails into the pits of hell. He died so that we could see that his grace, beauty, love, and kindness is better than any relationship, hetero or homo, and that the depths of the gospel and the riches of it's message is better than any chicken sandwich money could buy.

1 comment:

  1. You are wise beyond your years and you said it so well.


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