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Sunday, February 17, 2013

What is Beauty?

A friend of mine and I have been having a discussion on beauty. A lot of times, people wonder why I don't say "aw I'm not pretty", and things like that. But most of you readers know, that considering myself "beautiful" is something that took me a very long time to understand. It's something I have struggled with all my life.

Well, my friend and I, during our conversation, got to talking--and I asked her to create a "bible lesson" of sorts, on Biblical beauty. I am including some of what she wrote here, as well as some extra thought I had! Her stuff will be in pink, and mine will be in purple! :)

The Greek Definition of Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction.

I have found that this definition counteracts what the Bible has to say about beauty. The Bible says in Song of Solomon 4:7 "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you."
Most people know the "world's" definition of beauty, yet forget what the one who created us says about beauty. It's so easy to believe the lies this world tells us.. (What is necessary to be beautiful, what we need to look and act like, etc.) See, the difference between worldly beauty and biblical beauty--is that God's definition will never change. Unlike the fashion of today's world, where skinny jeans are in one week, and silly bands are a "no-no" the next, God looks at us and sees beauty non-stop. In fact, he does get "pleasure" and "satisfaction" like the Greek definition--just not over the same things. For the world, it's whatever's "in" that week--be it blonde hair on Monday, and curly black hair on Tuesday, but for God it's the same always. God says "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” -Rom. 10:15. My personal favorite-- 1 Peter 3: 3&4  says: 
 "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in God’s sight"

God also tells us that he makes everything beautiful in it's time. (Ecc 3:11), and he tells us that the beauty of the world is fleeting--but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30).
If we are in Christ, we should believe what the Bible says about our beauty. I mean, for goodness sakes, we were made in the image of the Beholder. Beautiful, flawless, perfect. This does not mean we are perfect, no, not at all--but rather that Christ sees us as perfect because our sins have been washed away, we are seen as perfect because of Jesus' work on the cross. If the creator of the whole world thinks that we are beautiful, why should it matter what anyone else thinks, right? We live in a sin cursed world, full of temptation and lies that Satan loves to make us fall into and believe. Let's be honest, we have all at some point in time, believed the lies that we have heard before. That's why we need a savior!! To set us free from those lies!

It's so hard not to believe what the world tells us. We live in this world, but please don't be fooled. This is not our home, and this is not where we belong! God created beauty, yes, but this sin cursed world has turned it into something it was never meant to be! Men are supposed to respect women, not treat them like some object they just won at an auction. Once they get sick of it, they just get rid of it. Rather, men are to love their women like Christ loved the church. Men should be willing to give up their lives for their wives. Unfortunately, this is not the way it always works. As women, we need to submit first to God, and believe what he says about beauty--and believe it when Christ tells us we're worth dying for! Then, when the right guy comes along, we need to be willing to submit to him. Just as the church is supposed to submit to God. Women are not meant to flaunt the beauty God gave them just to make men fall into sin.  When we flaunt it with the intention of making men fall, we are actually begging men to take their eyes of Christ, and instead worship us. "A woman's hear should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to come to know Christ before he comes to know her." -Maya Angelou When both men and women are focused on serving Christ, the relationships between the two of them is a beautiful picture of what Christ is to the church. We shouldn't walk around in turtlenecks, that's not what we're saying here--rather, women need to be more concerned with Christ--and allowing THAT to make them beautiful--not the coolest necklace.

To summarize all of this, yes there will be times that we believe the lies of this world. But in Christ, we don't have to-because he's freed us from the lies! In Christ we are already made beautiful in HIs eyes. He is the one who created us, and who we will be spending eternity with-- his opinion is the only one that really matters any ways!!

1 comment:

  1. An old chorus says, "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me/All his wonderful passion and purity/Oh thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine/Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me." When your beauty in Christ is the thing that attracts a guy to you -- you know he's worth a second glance! :)


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