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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saved-Without Facebook??

Would people know I was saved without my Facebook page? 

It's a question that has been rattling around in my mind for the past few days. Yes, I believe the Lord can use Facebook as a medium for conversations and discussions about the gospel--and that's my hope in having one...

Let's be honest, I also have friends who live far away (such as my cousins in Colorado, a friend who was in Africa for a while, my MK friend who was in Slovokia for a while, etc.) who want to know about how my life is going, and sometimes Skyping just doesn't work itself out, and Facebook allows people to catch up with me.

BUT, my question is this: yes, while I share the gospel on my Facebook page, do I share it in my life? If I took away my Facebook page, would people know I still love gays and lesbians (even though I disagree with their lifestyle?).

See one of the things I keep seeing is this debate of gay marriage. I'm watching as some believers are fighting for the "equal rights" of gays and lesbians, then declaring that if you don't, that you're judging as a Christian-which Christ calls us "not to do". (Which isn't 100% true.. but that's a different topic).

I'm very saddened that this topic has come up during Passion Week. My friends no longer are focused on the cross and what Christ did for them. They're no longer concerned with sharing that beautifully good news. Instead all I see are arguments.

So you want to talk about gay marriage? Let's talk about it:

Gays are sinners. Gays without Christ are going to hell. Gays need the precious blood of Jesus to cleanse them from their sin. Once that has happened, God will deal with Gays' sins on His own timetable - that's what sanctification is for.

Now let's change that to YOU. Every word of that is true of YOU:
YOU are a sinner. YOU without Christ are going to hell. YOU need the precious blood of Jesus to cleanse YOU from YOUR sin. Once that has happened, God will deal with YOUR sin on His own timetable - that's what sanctification is for.

Now let's talk about ME:
I am a sinner. Without Christ, I am going to hell. I need the precious blood of Jesus to cleans ME from MY sin. Once that has happened, God will deal with MY sin on his own timetable - that's what sanctification is for.

Galatians 3:22 "the Scriptures declare that we are ALL prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ."

There. The topic has been covered. Now go and share the gospel with your gay friends. OFF OF FACEBOOK.

See that's my question, would my gay friends know my stance on gay marriage and my love for them if I didn't have a Facebook?  My prayer is that those who know me -whether they're gay, straight, people addicted to porn, or those who are high or drunk - know Christ in me; that they know the love of Christ and see his work in my life - even if I turned my Facebook off.

Do people know I'm a believer by the way I treat my family? Do they know I'm a believer when I sit at the lunch table at school and don't cave into the temptation to laugh at dirty jokes? What about what I wear? Does that make me look like a believer? How about when I'm driving in traffic - am I compliant with traffic rules, and kind to those who need a spot in front of me, or do I fight for my own way? When I talk about politics, do I get angry and hostile-or do I share the truth of the gospel with love in my conversation of politics? When someone starts a topic of discussion, am I able to give them the verse they're thinking of without my phone to Google it? For me, that last on is a killer. See, I myself am dealing with current sins in my own life, and I think that next week starting April 1st, I will be turning off my cellphone and my Facebook. I'm going to replace the time that I spend on Facebook typing about the love of Jesus, and instead I'm going to experience it for myself AND share with others face to face. That takes a lot more guts to do than sit behind a screen typing Bible verses. Again, would I even know the Bible verses without Google? Is God's word "hidden in my heart" or is it "found in my "About Me"  page on Facebook???

Please understand, I'm not saying Facebook is evil and everyone should get off of it--by all means NO! I have used Facebook to share the Gospel with several of my non-believing friends, and share the love of Christ with my believing friends. Facebook can be GREAT. It's an awesome supplement to what I do in my personal life anyway. My question for myself is, am I able to do those things WITHOUT social media? WITHOUT a screen in front of my face? I believe that with Christ I can. I have chosen not to--because it's easier on Facebook.

If you feel like joining me in this challenge, feel free to leave a comment below! If not, just pray for me as I seek to know Christ and make him known in this coming week.

I pray that your Easter is filled with the awesome knowledge of Christ!


  1. That was great, Lanelle! Really gets me thinking! I pray that God will empower you and give you plenty of opportunities to learn, grow, and share.
    Love you, sister!

  2. You hit the nail on the head there with the Gays thing... :D thanks darling.


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