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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Only a Few Weeks Left


I think one thing I've learned is that I am dearly loved.
I am supported and cared for, although sometimes I feel alone and my mind races and tells me lies-I know I am loved.
I know the Lord provides.
I know he cares about everything.
I know he's going to clothe me like the lillies of the field
I know he orchestrates all things for my good, that I may become more like him.
I know my life has a direction.
I know I may not know what comes tomorrow, but he does, so I can rest.
I know that my family is changing, that I am changing, but that it's like watching a flower grow.

A good friend of mine said something to me yesterday that I thought was amazing.
"In God's eyes you already have an A+." She told me there was nothing I could do to walk away from God's love. I didn't have to stress or freak, because he already knew what my grade was.

How cool is it that God love us no matter what we do, we can't make him love us less we can't make him love us more. We can simply rest in him. We can rest knowing that when we serve him, it's for  our benefit, his glory, not his love.  I think that is one of the most beautiful things I've learned.

I don't know what my summer holds, I don't even know if I can return in the fall. I think the Lord's about to make a huge change in me, and it scares me, but I'm super excited to see what it is. I don't want to stay the same. Maybe my circumstance will be the same-but I won't. What's going to happen on the other side?
I have no idea.

But let's find out shall we? :D

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