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Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Few Musings

First of all, I'm so sorry friends I haven't updated a personal post in a while. I honestly want to get better about that. Secondly, this post probably doesn't have a very smooth flow... it's just a few thoughts I had, and thought I would share!

This summer has been all about the sovereignty of God, I wish I could write all the things that have happened over the spring and summer, but that would take pages and pages. But I have experienced God's power in a unique and special way.There have been times in my life where I have doubted whether God actually intervenes in the lives of his people, but I can honestly say when that doubt creeps in again, I can look to this spring and summer and say with confidence: "YES! God sees, God cares. He is orchestrating things for the good of those who love him, and are conforming them into the image of his Son!"

I have learned that we are each fashioned by God for the specific time period we are in. We are made with his glory in mind. More than that, I have been made to look more like Christ and to glorify him with every breath.

I have seen many a prayer answered this summer. From things as large as "God, what are you doing?", to as small as "please let my fish live!". I have seen him provide a way for school, when it doesn't make any sense to pursue what I'm pursuing. It won't make much money, I decided to go out of state, and I am at a private school. Yet I felt that is where the Lord was calling me, and he has blessed me and proven his glorious might and power every step of the way. I do not know if it's a permanent calling to my school, but for now I know it's where the Lord wants me.  (Yet I still find ways to worry about the tiny details! HA! I somehow seem to think God will forget things, how foolish of me)

This summer I earnestly prayed for deep Christian fellowship, and again, the Lord answered. I have been surrounded by girls who love the Lord and encourage me to seek him. I have been encouraged by them to not stop seeking the Lord simply because those around me don't understand the lessons I'm learning, or despise me for walking the way he's called me. (IOW- don't stop running simply because people are laughing!)

I've learned that each person has a different calling. Some girls are able and allowed to serve in a specific area, with the special gifts and talents to listen, hear, and connect in ways that other people have not been gifted. I've learned that my talents, gifts, and calling are specific to me.  Just because I feel God leading me in one direction doesn't mean everyone else is called to that same thing.

All in all, I have learned that Yahweh is a PERSONAL God. He uniquely designed me for the problems I encounter, for the sin I face (and the strength to combat it!), for the blessings he pours out, and the calling he has given me.  He is creator, defender, comforter, healer, provider and protector.... and me? I'm just foolish and wishywashy.  I am faulty-and he loves me exactly the way he made me, because he sees me perfect through Christ. HE is sanctifying me-I don't have to tell him where to "wash" or "fix up", because he already sees, knows, and is "on the job".

What an awesome God! Amen!

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