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Thursday, April 15, 2010


In the twisted plot of life, one thing always remains a constant:
God's always in control.

Nothing surprises him. He knows how every romance novel ends, he knows the number of hairs on everyones heads....
Why do we constantly thing that we are an exception to the "I know the plans I have" verse?
We aren't 'special' enough to be excluded from God's grace, soveriegnty, and omniscience.

He knows exactly what's going on, and exactly how it will end.
And don't forget, we get a "sneak preview" to the last book in the series.

WE KNOW that in the end Jesus wins, there's a good ending to the series!!

It's just the waiting for the next released book before the end that's hard!!
But rest knowing this; All you have to do is wait. You don't have to write the next chapter. The pen gets to stay in the authors hand. And no... you can't be the co-author. You aren't even the hero in the book... the Author's Son get's that role.

And that is something we all can sleep on.
"Be still and know"
Keep sinking up!

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