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Friday, February 19, 2010

An Epic Story.

I would like to engage your mind in a story of epic proportions, one that will be told for many years and will go down in history.
*clears throat*
We begin this tale with a hungry girl, a loving sister, and a burrito. This hungry girl asked for her loving sister to embark on a new adventure, to COOK this said burrito, and to give it to the starving child.The loving sister agreed. And began to cook the burrito. She put in chicken, beans, sour cream and a variety of ingredients. She poured oil into a pan and placed the delightful burrito in the pan and promptly lit it on fire. The starving child laughs at the loving sister's attempt at cooking and screams " I LOVE YOU" at the top of her lungs as smoke filled the room.The loving sister glared at the starving child, turns off the fire, and promptly beats the burrito until it is no longer aflame.Turning to look at her sister through the hazy smoke she proclaims: "I just want you to know, in China, that's considered COOL."

And that is the end of my tale... and my lunch too!! (Based on a true story.)


  1. Blackened and flattened burrito. I'm sensing a new trendy meal here. Cash & Shoe's Flattened Cajun Burritos and Fried Ice Cream. I want to go already!

  2. hahahahaha Definently!! If Cash & Shoe could get more videos up! But unfortuntly there camera doesn't work with the computer and youtube.

  3. Aw, man! That's not good. Y'all need a sponsor.


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