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Monday, September 13, 2010

Wassup? Actually.. Quite a Bit!!

Hey look! I'm actually blogging!!! (And ignoring proper punctuation!)

I have time today, and it feels great. I don't really have any deep thoughts right now. I think that's because at the moment I'm still kinda in shock. Our church is going through a "storm" right now. And adjusting to change is not one of my strong points.

I've also been super-busy taking care of friends, and exhausting myself while serving them. I lovvvee doing that!! I think I'm starting to burn myself out though. It's not good to serve constantly and never draw on God's strength. I'm starting to learn that.

My week is filled up already, and it's only Monday. I'm so enjoying relaxing right now. I really need to move a bed into my room... See, when we moved in both my sister and I took futon's in our room, it makes more space. And seeing as how we're in the same room... we thought the best thing would be the space, instead of a real bed.

Except I have bad knees. The futon only aggravates that. Then I try to compensate for the ache, and end up killing my back. -sigh- So I end up waking up in the middle of the night all tired, and sore. Then I have a hard time falling back to sleep.

Apparently I'm sleeping some, but only enough to produce strange dreams, and I'm talking in my sleep, again. I haven't done that in forever. Oh, and last week my side began to ache again.

Which is really bad.

Long story short?
For some reason God created it so that my side hurts when I over-do it. We thought it was mono at first, (last year when it started doing that) but then the doctors took x-rays, and tested me for mono and everything, and they couldn't figure out why my side does that.

Guess I'm just messed up....

On the bright side of things, my mom ordered my contacts!!! :) YAY! I hate wearing my glasses, they're this hideous white color, and they're kinda cat-eye-ish... yeeeah, just doesn't fit my face.
Oh! And I just got signed up for driving school :)
I'm not sure whether to be happy... or terrified...

I think I finally figured out why God didn't let me get a job this summer, and even cut-out Wake Tech. God's so much smarter than me. I hate it that it takes tons of things to remember that. But, I think God's using me to help out my friends through their crisis' this semester. It's pretty cool that God's letting me do that. A few years ago, the only friends I had only tolerated me. Because, I was pretty selfish... and really obnoxious too. Now, not only am I more than tolerated, people seek me out! I can't walk through the halls of my church without having to stop, give hugs, highfives, fist-punches, and seek out how people are doing!

It's a pretty cool thing, to see how God works in messed up people's lives. Not only do I get to see him work through mine, but now I'm watching him work through my friends lives!!

I think I'll leave with this quote I picked up from a conference I got to go to this weekend called "Next Level". The speaker ended up being my mom's college professor. He was awesome. He made the Old Testament make sense to me. It was awesome. Anyways, here's the quote:

"I am not what I ought to be
I am not what I want to be
I am not what I hope to be

But still, I am not what I used to be,
And by the grace of God,
I am what I am." -John Newton


  1. Diggin' the new look, Schro! Has anyone mentioned that you have intense eyes? (New contacts or not) Very cool.

  2. Haven't gotten those new contacts quite yet!!
    But I did have an awesome Uncle edit the blog header for me :D


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