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Monday, September 27, 2010

My Paragraphs for Writing Class xD

One day in writing class I was asked to write a story. It was so that I could learn how to use paragraphs. However, I felt I already partially understood the art. Nevertheless, "Practice makes perfect." my teacher exclaimed.

So I sat down and began to write a story. It told of a young girl who was trapped in the heart of a deep forest. She was trapped, and helpless, the typical young maiden in popular novels. However, as I was writing I became distressed with the typical maiden, and began throughout the story, to warp her into a hideous creature.

As in most stories, the young maiden needed saving. So, I wrote into the plot, a handsome young man to rescue her. He rode in on a noble white steed--- I stopped, my pen hovering over the page. This was too typical. I took my pen and aggressively attacked the page, ripping a hole into the paper's precious flesh. I winced, that was not my intention. The poor paper lay there, seriously injured. My pen was bleeding from the brutal attack, it had won, but had definitely been wounded.

Looking frantically around the room for something to repair the damage, my eyes fell upon scotch tape. Grabbing it, I rushed over to the wounded paper and began to attend to it's wounds. I winced, the tape had solved the immediate problem, but the poor paper would be scarred forever.

Sighing I picked up my pen again, realizing it had died while I was attending to the paper. 'Serves it right.' I muttered under my breath. I glanced around the room casually, when suddenly I realized something; I should have used a pencil.

I grabbed a pencil, and began to write again. Instead of writing the original story I had planned on, I wrote of my calamity and sent it in. Hoping I would get a good grade....

1 comment:

  1. Ha ! I love this... I started laughing in the middle of a silent computer lab :P


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